Our campaign for 200 page blank book, What Every Man Thinks About Apart From Sex really was a record breaker and remains our only campaign (so far) to win a Guinness World Record.
We got the book loads of media coverage, with pieces across the tabloids and news websites. It even got discussed on ITV’s Lorraine programme.
Right from the outset this was a campaign to sell books so we embedded links to the Amazon listing of the book into all of our outreach material.
In total we logged 130 items of media coverage along with 142 links earned into the Amazon page selling the book.
Sales instantly jumped and at one point this masterpiece was outselling JK Rowling and Dan Brown. The book eventually peaked at number 18 in Amazon’s all category chart, and was later translated into nine languages - meaning the cover art changed.
Eventually the book went on to sell more than 90,000 copies at £6.35 each (total revenue generated £571,500). Not bad for a book with no words.
Shed was later awarded the World Record for highest selling book with no content. He was kind enough to send us a framed copy of the Guinness World Record along with a note which read: "To the team at Motive - thank you for making this happen!"
Author Shed was awarded the Guinness Record for highest-selling blank book and dedicated his win to us saying, “You guys made this happen!"